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Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B1?

How much vitamin B1 do you need? Well, that's not easy to say as a determination has not been officially made yet. Most experts, however, say that 1.5 mg a day is a good amount for both adult men and adult women.

Sources of vitamin D include wheat germ, whole grain cereals, pork, peace, oysters, whole wheat and rye flour, oranges, raisins, fish and beans such as navy, kidney and garbanzo. Some of the best sources include beef liver, brew is used and kidney.

These days, vitamin B1 deficiency is pretty rare, but you may be at risk the older you get sense levels of this vitamin decline as you age. If you consume a lot of alcohol you also may be at risk.

Symptoms of a vitamin B1 deficiency are also symptoms of many other diseases and if you have any of these you should see your doctor right away. These include nerve and muscle problems, mental confusion and rapid heartbeat.

Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the transmission of signals between the spinal cord and brain and insufficient amounts of this vitamin could lead to tingling nerves, tiredness, depression, nausea, headaches and loss of appetite.


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