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MotoZINE ZN5 is now Official

The MotoZine ZN5 is the first model in this new line and features a Kodak 5-megapixel camera with autofocus and Xenon flash. Aside from the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and the ModeShift interface (similar to the ROKR E8), the camera features are probably the biggest thing going for this new mobile phone. It’s not 3G-capable so don’t expect blazing speeds when you connect to the Kodak gallery when you upload your photos. Over-all, it looks like a pretty decent phone on its own, but with more feature-filled mobile devices such as the iPhone and the Sony Ericsson C905 making their way to our country soon, it seems a little bit lagging behind the competition. Nevertheless, this new partnership with Kodak should be good news for Moto-fanboys who have been waiting for a decent camera phone from the beleaguered company.


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