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Water, Water Everywhere - But As Fuel?

Jul 31

Learn about an innovative way to use water to significantly cut down on your vehicle’s fuel consumption.

Can water really be used to fuel an automobile?

That is, can you really run a car on water?

Sounds outrageous, too good to be true, a little too much to swallow. Skepticism is entirely understandable here, much like the rampant skepticism we now laugh at but was commonplace when the automobile itself was invented over 100 years ago.

But—and this is where you need to hold onto your hat—experts in the field agree that it is indeed possible to some extent. And, in fact, the technology has been around long enough that it’s now affordable for just about anyone to fuel a car with water.

Don’t misunderstand. As much as we would all like to totally eliminate our need for gasoline, that’s just not going to happen. Water alone is by no means adequate to fuel an engine. Common sense tells you that. But when used as a catalyst, water can serve as a surprisingly significant booster to your gasoline to cause it to burn more efficiently—and thus cut down significantly on the amount that’s wasted.

Many people believe this technology will soon be standard in new vehicles, using water as fuel. With fuel prices going out the roof these days, it’s easy to understand why.


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